Once we file a bankruptcy for a client, inevitably the biggest source of stress for our clients is the 341a/Trustee meeting. They receive the notice from the Court and the notice is entitled "First Meeting of Creditors." For obvious reasons,...
Once we file a bankruptcy for a client, inevitably the biggest source of stress for our clients is the 341a/Trustee meeting. They receive the notice from the Court and the notice is entitled "First Meeting of Creditors." For obvious reasons,...
This is not an easy question to answer, as it depends on many factors. So my first bit of advice would be to set up a consultation with an experienced bankruptcy attorney, like Capone & Keefe, so that we can...
6.) I can only file for Bankruptcy with my Spouse. Again not true! Over the years, we have had more than a few situations where one spouse or the other just refused to file. There are also situations where one...