Most Pro Se Answers Filed by Defendants in New Jersey Foreclosure Proceedings Are a Waste of Money and Precious Time Defendants in New Jersey foreclosure proceedings sometimes file a a pro se answer to the foreclosure complaint without consulting...
Most Pro Se Answers Filed by Defendants in New Jersey Foreclosure Proceedings Are a Waste of Money and Precious Time Defendants in New Jersey foreclosure proceedings sometimes file a a pro se answer to the foreclosure complaint without consulting...
If you are homeowners who are attempting to prevent foreclosure by obtaining a loan modification, you are almost certainly dealing with mortgage servicer. Virtually every client who had retained us after attempting to work out a loan modification with a...
Will Home Owners Seeking Mortgage Modification Benefit As Result of Accusations that Banks and the Lawyers Who Represent Them Engaged in a Massive Scheme of Foreclosure Fraud & Perjury to Circumvent the Laws that Govern Foreclosure. Employees of mortgage foreclosure...
Senators have defeated an amendment offered by Senator Dick Durbin (D-IL) to the Helping Families Save Their Homes Act (S. 896) by a vote of 45 to 51 which would have amended Sec. 1322(b)(2) of the United States Bankruptcy Code...