When your financial situation is at the point where you need to declare bankruptcy, it is understandable that you want help to get everything in order. The Chapter 7 bankruptcy lawyers at Gillman Capone will serve as your advisors during this important time. Meet with our team and discover the benefits of a Chapter 7 bankruptcy lawyer in Edison.
First and foremost, we offer years of experience in bankruptcy cases. With any legal issue, it is best to find someone experienced with the law, as well as the courts in which the matter will be considered.
That experience should also include working with individuals who are having the legal issue. We have worked with clients for over 30 years, and we offer them a reasonable and sensible solution that allows them to move forward.
The second thing to consider when working with an attorney is to have a good professional relationship. Although that might seem simple, it often involves the attorney being reasonable and empathetic, giving thoughtful consideration to your problems, and offering alternatives to bankruptcy that might not be immediately available to someone less experienced.
Also, is also important to have a good relationship with the people who work in the firm. At Gillman Capone, we are fortunate to have experienced empathetic team members who have helped our clients over the years and assist us every single day.
An Edison attorney should help someone compile a Chapter 7 bankruptcy case by leading them through the entire process, step by step. You should not be thrown a bunch of forms and be asked to complete them without any assistance. We will be there at all times to help you with any questions or concerns, walk you through specific issues in your case, and assist in any of the paperwork or documents required.
One of the tools that we use on a regular basis is the bankruptcy credit reporting that we obtain for every client. This valuable tool allows our clients to avoid having to pull together old information they may no longer have access to. We utilize this credit report, which is specific to bankruptcy filings, to ensure all the client’s creditors are noticed when a bankruptcy is filed. It ensures the creditor will not face collection actions during the bankruptcy.
Other tools also include our relationships with title companies where we may need to obtain title or lien information on a property. We work with appraisers to learn the value of the property, and we have several other bankruptcy resources we work with, such as business records searches, which we have used for over 30 years to assist our clients.
Our lawyers have met with thousands of people who come to us in the initial stages, with questions about whether they should file for a Chapter 7 bankruptcy, what that might mean, and how it might impact their lives and their family.
An Edison attorney should be there to assist and ensure you meet the requirements of the Bankruptcy Code. You should not have to be concerned about what you must provide to the courts; it should be the job of your attorney to walk you through that and avoid having any issues after a Chapter 7 bankruptcy case is filed.
Our attorneys have a lot of experience meeting with clients prior to the filing and when they appear at the creditor’s meeting. A creditor’s meeting is often a stressful thing for a client to attended but we can assist you in avoiding unnecessary concern. If you meet the requirements of the Bankruptcy Code, which requires you to tell the truth, first and foremost, then we can get you through a bankruptcy and into a better place.
Bankruptcy can be a complicated process, and you need a team of professionals who make it easy to understand and will be in touch at any moment of the day. There are many benefits to working with a Chapter 7 bankruptcy lawyer in Edison. For a free case review, reach out to us now.