Most Pro Se Answers Filed by Defendants in New Jersey Foreclosure Proceedings Are a Waste of Money and Precious Time Defendants in New Jersey foreclosure proceedings sometimes file a a pro se answer to the foreclosure complaint without consulting...
Most Pro Se Answers Filed by Defendants in New Jersey Foreclosure Proceedings Are a Waste of Money and Precious Time Defendants in New Jersey foreclosure proceedings sometimes file a a pro se answer to the foreclosure complaint without consulting...
Justin M. Gillman, Esq., of Gillman & Gillman, , will be presenting a seminar entitled "BOOT CAMP: Foreclosure and Loan Workout Procedures" for the National Business Institute (NBI) on Tuesday, December 8, 2015, in Princeton, New Jersey. The Seminar is...
Foreclosure defense and bankruptcy lawyers are - in one very important way - like plumbers. It is almost always true that the sooner you hire one, the the better the result of the work they do. People facing foreclosure often...
Freddie Mac has announced that the base interest rates on Freddie Mac Standard Loan Modifications and Streamlined Modifications will increase for the first time in several years effective April 14, 2015. See here. Effective April 14, 2015, the base rate...
New Jersey Foreclosures Which Once Took Several Years Can Now Be Completed In Six Months. Loan Modification May Still Offer Multiple Options to Homeowners After Service of the Foreclosure Complaint. Homeowners Seeking Modification Who Are Served With a Foreclosure Complaint...
This Article recently appeared in the New York Times. Come tax time, JPMorgan Chase will be able to write off the $1.5 billion in debt relief it must give homeowners to satisfy the terms of a recent settlement. But the...
Fannie Mae’s Program Intended to Streamline Modification of Mortgages. But Only Those Borrowers With Equity and Who Meet Eligibility Requirements Will Benefit. Fannie Mae has announced that it is introducing a new mortgage loan modification program, Streamlined Modification, which targets borrowers whose...
Everyone it seems is attempting to get a loan modification these days. Anyone that has attempted to modify their mortgage knows that the process can be extremely frustrating. One way to make it somewhat less frustrating is to make sure that you...
In the continuing series in the New York Times on loan modifications and the foreclosure crisis, the reporter details the strange and disturbing links between the mortgage brokers who were involved in brokering the sub-prime mortgages which have threatened foreclosure...
The New Jersey Bankruptcy Court issued the following press release regarding the New Jersey Foreclosure Mediation Program and Bankruptcy Debtors. The information may also be viewed at http://www.njb.uscourts.gov/notice/2009_02_04_foreclosure.pdf. Information for Bankruptcy Debtors and Others Concerning The New Jersey Judiciary Foreclosure Mediation...