Attorney Cannot Discharge Malpractice Judgment in Bankruptcy By Claiming He Was Clueless
Attorney Cannot Discharge Malpractice Judgment in Bankruptcy By Claiming He Was Clueless

The provisions of the United States Bankruptcy Code are intended to provide fair and orderly relief for the “honest but unfortunate debtor” who can obtain a “fresh start” by distributing available assets, if any, to creditors and discharging debts "unhampered...

What Are the Costs of Filing A Bankruptcy?
What Are the Costs of Filing A Bankruptcy?

Obviously, one of the first and for many potential clients, one of the most important questions that a client has is: how much is filing a bankruptcy going to cost me? I would start by telling anyone looking into filing...

Can Creditors Still Report Negatively on Your Credit After You File for Bankruptcy?
Can Creditors Still Report Negatively on Your Credit After You File for Bankruptcy?

One of the things we advise all of our clients once their bankruptcy is over and they have received their discharge, is to pull a credit report and make sure that everything is properly reported and there are no creditors...

The Rewards of the Practice of Bankruptcy Law
The Rewards of the Practice of Bankruptcy Law

People ask me all the time, how did you pick Bankruptcy Law as the basis of your law practice.  It seems like it would be depressing they go on to say.  I don't see it that way. I see the...

Bankruptcy Myths Debunked, Part 2
Bankruptcy Myths Debunked, Part 2

In continuation of my last post, here are additional statements that I hear clients say all the time, that are just not true: 3) I can't file a Bankruptcy, I feel obligated to pay my creditors back:  That's great that...

Common Bankruptcy Myths Debunked
Common Bankruptcy Myths Debunked

I have been a consumer bankruptcy attorney for over 23 years and during that time I have heard all kinds of unfounded fears that my clients had about Bankruptcy.  Most of these fears or concerns came from misinformation that my...

Bankruptcy Fears and Famous People that Have Filed Bankruptcy
Bankruptcy Fears and Famous People that Have Filed Bankruptcy

Here is a partial list of some famous people that have filed bankruptcy. I wanted to add this list here to hopefully alleviate some of the fear, shame or embarrassment issues that you may have when you are considering filing...

Should Student Loans Be Dischargeable in Bankruptcy
Should Student Loans Be Dischargeable in Bankruptcy

The Below article appeared recently in the Wall Street Journal. When I first became a lawyer, my first job was as the Staff Attorney for the Standing Chapter 13 Trustee in the Trenton and Camden vicinages. At that time student...

Bankruptcy News: Phone Scammers Targeting Bankruptcy Filers
Bankruptcy News: Phone Scammers Targeting Bankruptcy Filers

Phone scamming from public information is becoming more and more prevalent with the access to information through online resources.   We have seen firsthand the impact of phone scams involving the IRS and other debt collection matters. Now, a recent scam...

One Bankruptcy Petitioner Avoided Foreclosure and Got a Free House – But Don’t Get Your Hopes Up that You Can You Get One Too
One Bankruptcy Petitioner Avoided Foreclosure and Got a Free House – But Don’t Get Your Hopes Up that You Can You Get One Too

Our Office received a call recently from a property owner who had New Jersey Bankruptcy Court decision which awarded a free house to a Chapter 13 Bankruptcy petitioner.  He was convinced that the case he had read about was exactly...